How To Choose The Right Corrosion Testing Kits
Posted on: 10 October 2022
If you need to start using corrosion testing kits, then you might not yet know which kind of kit to use. To get started, ask yourself these questions. The answers will help you shortlist suitable products.
What Kind of Testing Do You Need?
While all corrosion testing kits help you check for corrosion, they don't all work in the same way. You need to find a kit that you can easily use and that delivers the results you need based on the water and type of corrosion you'll test for.
For example, if you need to test drinking water, then you are likely to need a kit that has EPA approval. If you have to meet regulatory testing standards, then the equipment you use to test should also meet these standards. If it doesn't, then you might not be compliant with EPA rules.
In some cases, you might need a kit that solely tests for one type of corrosion. So, if you only need to monitor copper levels in your water, then a copper kit will do the job you need.
However, if you will run various tests, then you can buy a multi-use kit. These kits don't just test for corrosion; they can also test for things like calcium, pH levels, alkalinity, and temperature. You simply use individual reagents depending on the test you need to run.
How Often Do You Test?
Think about your test frequency. This helps you decide how big of a kit to buy. If you only run periodic tests, then a small kit might be enough for your needs.
However, if you run weekly or even monthly testing, then it's worth looking at larger kits. They will last for longer, and you won't need to reorder as frequently.
Can You Buy Refills?
Most corrosion testing kits come in portable boxes or cases. While a box or case is useful to have, you don't necessarily want to have to buy a complete kit every time you use up all your reagents.
So, check if the kit manufacturer sells refills. If they do, you can replenish your kit when you need to. It's also worth it if they also sell extra testing devices and equipment as well as reagents. If you break, lose, or wear out a testing bath, sample tube, or evaluation sheet, then it's easier and cheaper to buy a new one than a whole new kit.
Contact a company like T-Texas Industries to learn more.